Loan APRs as low as

GM Credit Union Discount

Effective Date: 03/15/2025


Description APR Rate Term
Vehicles, 2015 and newer 5.837% 5.79% 66 months
Vehicles, 2015 and newer 6.034% 5.99% 72 months
Vehicles, 2015 and newer 7.14% 7.10% 84 months
Vehicles, 2014 to 2009 8.023% 7.74% 60 months
2016 and newer, CU Small Class RVs 8.902% 8.89% 60 months
2016 and newer, CU Large Class RVs 9.205% 9.19% 144 months
Overdraft Loans 18.00% 18.00% open
Visa Credit Card 11.516% 10.95% open
Signature/Personal Closed End Loans 13.557% 13.00% 36 months
Signature/Personal Line of Credit Rate 15.585% 15.00% open
Share Secured Loans 4.326% 4.00% 60 months
Home Equity Line of Credit 9.122%variable 8.50%variable 120 months
First Mortgages held by IBEWFCU 6.578% 5.99% 120 months
Second Mortgages held by IBEWFCU 8.103% 7.49% 120 months

Applicable to all loans:  The APR you receive will be based upon your credit score and services used at the credit union.  Advertised rates and terms are subject to change without notice.  Other requirements and restrictions my apply to your loan.

Applicable to Home Equity Line of Credit:  Variable rate loan.  The maximum is APR 18%.  We will charge closing costs between $400 to $2000.

Applicable to fixed term loans (except Variable rate HELOCS): Example of repayment terms for a vehicle loan:  A five year six month loan with a 5.79% simple rate (5.837% APR) would be 66 monthly payments of $355.11 per $20,000 borrowed.  Example of repayment terms for a large recreational vehicle loan:  A 12 year loan with a 9.19% simple rate (9.205% APR) would be 144  monthly payments of $689.87 per $60,000 borrowed.  Example of repayment terms for a Signature/Personal Closed End Loan:  A three year loan with a 13.00% simple rate (13.557% APR) would be 36 monthly payments of $84.91 per $2,500 borrowed.  Example of repayment terms for a Share secured loan:  A five year loan with a 4.00% simple rate (4.326% APR) would be 60 monthly payments of $46.41 per $2,500 borrowed.  Example of repayment terms for a First Mortgage held by IBEWFCU: A ten year loan with a 5.99% simple rate (6.578% APR) would by 120 payments of $341.84 per $30,000 borrowed.  Example of repayment terms for a Second Mortgage held by IBEWFCU:  A ten year loan with a 7.49% simple rate (8.103% APR) would be 120 payments of $365.62 per $30,000 borrowed.

Applicable to Open term loans and credit cards:  Click here for fees associated with your credit card.


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